
Podcast Coaching Free Resources

Why Bother Trying

Uncategorized Sep 23, 2021

If you’ve been reading the newsletter the last few months or listening to the New Man Podcast, you’ll know that I have been working on a book.

I’ve decided against going the traditional publisher route, and I have also opted out from normal self-publishing. Instead, I’ve hired a company (Book Launchers) with the resources of a publisher to help me self-publish really well. Some sort of hybrid, I suppose.

You will hear much more on the book in the coming newsletters – the release is likely going to be early 2022. But I had a conversation with someone on my team from Book Launchers that I wanted to share with you.

We have finally finished a grueling editing process (over 5 rounds altogether, each one coming with thousands of edits/suggestions). Now that that’s over, we are on to the fun stuff – naming the book and designing the cover.

My Author Concierge (fancy, right?) asked me, “What is the main feeling you want to evoke in the cover?” I didn’t even think twice…


For me, each newsletter, podcast episode, recovery guide, book and interview is a chance to provide hope to the incredible men of this world. The recovery journey is a slog. It’s not always easy, and sometimes you wonder if anything you’re doing is really working.

Other times you wonder if it’s even worth trying to get free – because what if it doesn’t work? What if you fail anyway?

Let me be the voice in your brain today that tells you loud and clear – YOU CAN DO THIS! Every single person on the planet is capable of long-term freedom and you are not the exception. There are men all around the world getting free every day and you have a chance to join forces with them.

You’re so worth it.

Cheering you on,

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