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Three Rules For Lasting Recovery

Uncategorized Jun 09, 2022

Just about everything in your personal development is more impactful with the long-game in mind.

It’s very easy to justify…

-An extra cookie “every now and then”. But over time, those cookie calories start to add up.
-A little frivolous spending on a regular basis. But over time, it likely adds up to thousands of dollars.
-A relapse “one last time”, but several years and decades later…the relapses are happening and the impact is dramatic.

That’s why we are disinterested in streaks. 
That’s why we don’t go after bursts of sobriety.

The goal is always long-term, lasting, unending freedom.

You may think that you need to wait until you get some momentum going before you think about the long game.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The way you get momentum is by thinking about the long game.

And as you do, there are three rules that you should institute to ensure lasting freedom:

  • Guard Your Mind – Pay attention to input: music, movies, social media, conversations you participate in, people you spend time with, etc. 
  • Guard Your Heart – Get in touch with the inner life: journal, have transparent conversations with your friends and family, watch a chick flick every now and then (for real, if you have a hard time getting in touch with your emotions, this is a great way to expedite the process).
  • Guard Your Spirit – Renew your connection with God daily: read the Bible, pray, go for walks, have conversations with Him, etc.

Personally, I have practices and routines in my life to manage each of these areas DAILY. 

They aren’t perfect and I am regularly adjusting them, but the point is that long-term success does not happen without intentionality.

These practices and routines protect the 6.5 years of freedom I have and help me step further the calling on my life.

And you need them too if you want to get free, stay free, and run full speed into your destiny.

If you’re looking for some extra help getting your systems in place, we have a couple spots available still in DeepClean. 

Book a time and we can see if you’re a good fit (note: the link takes you to a quick video that will prep you for our call. Please watch it, then follow the prompts to book a time).

Cheering you on,

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