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Do You Have What It Takes To Recover?

Uncategorized Nov 10, 2022

When I was addicted to porn, I remember thinking that something must have been wrong with me for not being able to get free.

“I just don’t have what it takes.”

I figured those who were experiencing freedom either weren’t as badly addicted as me or they had something in their DNA that gave them an advantage.

And even though it was a hopeless feeling, it was also a RELIEF…

Because it meant for another day I could blame something else for my addiction.

There were 2 things that shifted my perspective. And had they not happened, I wouldn’t be experiencing…

-6.5 years of freedom
-Happily married for 3 years
-Starting a coaching practice that is helping hundreds of men break free

The first was taking responsibility – this meant stopping the pity parties; ending the blame game; and ultimately - agreeing to do the heavy lifting necessary for a full recovery.

The second was filling myself with hope.

This meant getting quick wins and celebrating (not comparing) the success of others that were getting free or had found freedom.

This is literally the easiest way to fuel your recovery.

Let me give you a headstart. 

Here are some recent wins in the DeepClean community…

Caleb K has been free for over a month and is experiencing new levels of transparency in his marriage (his wife was ready to leave him when he started the program)
Jehuda just hit 1 month as well and is gaining control over his lustful thoughts/desires
Roman has been clean for 4+ Months and his marriage has never been better

My wife and I regularly find ourselves shocked at what happens in these guys' lives in such a short time.

Something is NOT wrong with you.

You DO Have what it takes.

It doesn’t matter what you’ve done/been through – freedom is POSSIBLE.

Start taking ownership and keep filling yourself with hope (my website has tons of other breakthrough stories if you want somewhere to start).

Cheering you on,

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