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The Bane of Streak Counting

Uncategorized Feb 02, 2023

In August 2010, my Dad had invited a prophet to minister at our church. 

It was the first time he had ever done anything like this before…the whole idea of God speaking present-moment was a huge stretch for our congregation.

But we wanted to see what the experience was like.

That night I received a word that absolutely changed my life. Among the many promises that were included in this prophetic word was a brief statement: “You will write books”.

I had always dreamt about being an author. The idea of having something to share that the world would want to read was invigorating.

“I’ll get around to it when I’m older.” I told myself.

But I had a realization in 2020.

I have been bad at basically everything the first time I tried. Whether it was sports, music, business, even academics where I have a natural gift.

I had to put the reps in to get better.

So if I know my first book will probably be mediocre compared to my 5th, why wait until 50 to start?

That was the kick I needed to start writing The Last Relapse. 

Just three months later, I had a 90k word manuscript (writing that kind of volume in such a short time is virtually unheard of).

Exactly a year ago, on February 2, 2022 it was hot off the presses.

I knew that friends and family would be proud of me. 
I knew that some of my following would support me.

But I had no idea just how quickly things would spread

Multiple nation-wide TV interviews.
Huge podcast platforms reaching out wanting to promote.
Almost 5k copies sold and downloaded.
And tons of transformation stories from readers.

We STILL get about 5 emails per week from readers around the world sharing how the book is changing their life

God has done more with this book than I could’ve ever asked or imagined. I can hardly write this with a dry eye.

The book was written because our program was having such an impact, I wanted to make our material more widely accessible.

The Last Relapse is literally our blueprint for recovery from A-Z. If you follow what is taught in the book, your situation WILL improve. My promise to you.

You can get a copy anywhere books are sold, but if you want a FREE copy, you just have to go to My gift to you :)

Cheering you on,

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