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FAQ: Is Sex Before Marriage Really A Problem?

Uncategorized May 12, 2021

YES! It really does. Traditionally, you'll hear that sex before marriage matters because it's God's design and if you wait, your wedding night will be ultra special and significant. That is rarely the case. The first time you are physically intimate with someone, there is a learning curve. That's just fact. So why does sex before marriage matter then? Shouldn't you be able to test drive the car before you take it off the lot?

Romantic relationship stands on two legs: Intimacy & Commitment. The level of intimacy you experience in a relationship should be determined by the level of commitment you have to that person. Sex is an extremely layered and deep experience of intimacy. The kind of experience that should be reserved for deeply committed relationships. The greatest form of commitment you can make to another person is a covenant (marriage), therefore it demands the greatest form of intimacy (sex). This is why the Bible is clear that sex should take place in the confines of marriage only. If you want to "test drive" the car before you take it off the lot, then you also have to be okay with your spouse trading you in for a newer model later on. That's the kind of mentality that comes with sex before marriage and it usually works against the long-term success of the relationship.

If you've already had sex before marriage, I want you to know that it's okay and there is plenty of opportunity for you to receive mercy, grace and healing. This is a major part of what we do here at DeepClean. If you're looking to heal from your sexual past, including a struggle with pornography, take a look at the content below.

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