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How To Combat Busyness

Uncategorized Apr 06, 2023

Every moment matters. Everything is sacred. In all you do, do it as unto the Lord.

These are some of the words I’ve been speaking to myself lately as things begin to ramp up here at DeepClean.

Busyness is one of the greatest enemies we face today.

And most of us are busy with really “good” things – work, church, family, etc.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes in the midst of it all, I catch myself tuning out a bit..

Spending just a bit more time on my phone than I should when my loved ones are around..

Talking myself out of giving 100% because I can get away with it or because “it’s not THAT important”.

But one thing I am learning is that whether it’s a mundane minute between Zoom calls…

A weekly date with my wife…

The first 45 mins of my day with God…

Or I’m on the couch in reruns of The Simpsons and Seinfeld like it’s no one’s business…

It all matters.

In recovery, you will have moments where you wonder if you really need to do that “thing” today. 

Journaling, coaching call, course work, talking to your spotter, therapy session, etc.

What I’ve found is that the moments where I feel the LEAST like doing something is when I need to do it the most.

Paul wrote twice - Colossians 3 and Ephesians 6 - in all your work and all you do, do it as unto the Lord.

Recovery is no exception.

Keep trying, you can do it.

Cheering you on,

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