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5 Keys To Enjoy The Holidays Porn-Free

Uncategorized Dec 23, 2021

We are at that critical point in the year – 2021 is wrapping up and we are bracing ourselves for a clean slate in 2022. In many ways, the next 7 days are the launchpad that determines how well you finish 2021 and how well you begin 2022. Today's blog looks at 5 things you MUST do if you want to stay porn-free during the holidays.

1) Be Careful With Technology – As soon as we get out of our regular rhythms and routines, we beeline for our phones and laptops! It's crazy how the brain works. Go into the holidays with some clear boundaries on how you will use technology, especially personal devices. Tell someone about it and make sure you're held accountable.

2) Mentally Prepare For Family Gatherings – I know, I know, mental preparation is reserved for professional athletes and performers right? Well, not quite. The better prepared you are to encounter your family (and possibly friends), the better the experience. If you have a relatively functional family that gets along well and genuinely enjoys spending time with each other, then you can move on to point #3. But if family gatherings can be tense, go in with a game plan. How are you going to handle that sibling that won't shut up about money? Or that uncle who always tries to squeeze political opinions out of you? Failing to plan is planning to fail.

3) Seek Out Meaning and Enjoyment – We are so cautious to make something like the holidays about us, but I can truthfully say with all my heart – when I prioritize myself during the holidays, I am more fun to be around and I bring more to the social events of the season. It is the simple principle that we love others to the degree we love ourselves. Make sure you carve out time to do things you enjoy during the holidays.

4) Engage Spiritually – I'm not talking about putting the manger in the front yard or praying an extra long prayer at Christmas dinner. I'm talking about finding ways to actually engage with God during these holidays. If you want to get really practical, I would write down 100 things that happened in 2021 that you're thankful for. Start there. Then start asking God for what to expect in 2022. The more you involve God in these seasons of life, the more meaningful they become.

5) Devise A Freedom Plan For 2022 – Freedom does not happen by accident. How many years has sexual misbehavior existed in your life? Are you ok with it hanging around for another year? If you're really serious about this year being different, then you will have to do things differently! What are you going to invest in and commit to for your freedom? A course? Program? Coach? Software? Group? There's no right or wrong answer here, but whatever you do – don't settle for the same old solutions that got you to the same old situation.

On behalf of the myself, my family, and the DeepClean team – have a very Merry Christmas!

Cheering you on,

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